Monday, May 28, 2012

Lagoon Day 2012

We get there early!
 First ride
 Freestone claimed he had to take Ptolemy on all the little rides to protect him.  Freestone is not into the big roller coasters.  Jake was trying to talk him into going on them and Freestone said, "They just don't look safe."  Jake disagreed and Freestone blurted out, "Maybe YOU'RE not safe, Jake!"  A little stressed, are we, Freestone??
Tizzy, on the other hand:  Not stressed at all.

Landon, Richelle, Tanner, Jeff
Jeff and Richelle left and returned in the middle of the day to see Chase's championship soccer game.  He is an awesome goalie.  His team had won the semi-finals in a shootout where Chase blocked the necessary goals for his team to advance.  Way to go, Chase!  They lost the championship, but hey, silver medals are pretty cool!  We're so proud of Chase!

Austin, Cade and  Freestone, again in his "protective" role.
Four blondes and a Han, all cute!

Freestone sure doesn't like G forces.  He just wanted to be there in case Tolly needed him.
Good thing Freestone was there to make sure Tolly didn't fall out of the space ship.

This perfect puddle was probably the highlight of Ptolemy's Lagoon experience.  He gleefully splashed and emphatically jumped until he was soaked.  (I'm all for splashing, but I was going to draw the line if he went for that Cheeto!)  
By far and away more fun than anything we stood in line for!

Freestone and I aren't roller coaster people.  At the end of the day, though, he and I went on the Jumping Dragon.  It was my moment of bliss for the day.  As I was hurtled in circles through space, I noticed that not only was Freestone still talking non-stop about how a metal detector would definitely help you find gold, but that I was still earnestly trying to listen.  I laughed crazily.  Scott said I looked funny.  Good.  
After the Dragon, I felt adventurous and dragged Freestone, along with Golda, Ruby, Ari and Xanthe, on Bombara, a dinky little coaster that doesn't even have a big hill.  Free obliged, but said as we stood in line, "I'm not happy."  I kept thanking him for being my ride buddy and telling him I never would have dared to do it without him, which is probably true.  I believe he was happy in the end, after it was all over, that he had been there to protect me.

Good-bye, Lagoon...until next year!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures, captions, and looks like a day packed with fun-filled moments to remember!..Glad you had fun. Thanks for sharing. Love, Tricia...Freestone, what a sport you are!. XO

Jennie said...

A fun day indeed. Although, I think I need detox after all those rich salads and treats. The juice-fest a la Annette begins this week. :)

Michelle said...

I love Free's protective arm around his little brother in all the pictures. Looks like such a fun day!

Bill said...

I agree with Freestone!