Monday, May 21, 2012

Joshua's Tribute to Felshaw

"You can do anything you want when you grow up...after you go to law school."
                                                                         -Felshaw King to his three children, 14,600 times between Oct. 24, 1971 and May 19, 2012.

Throughout our lives, Dad has invested his whole being into his children's lives and their potential.  He has done this in every way possible from teaching us little factoids at dinner and helping us memorize literature and Latin to attending ALL our extra-curricular activities to supporting us financially and emotionally when in need.  He naturally balances his kindness and giving with lessons of hard work, determination, selflessness, never giving up or quitting and not to expect that just opening your mouth would result in a roasted chicken flying into it. 

Dad set high expectations for all of us.  After all, to Dad the highest standard is that of a lawyer.  He didn't really care if we went to law school so long as we learned the lessons he taught, and he prepared us to carry ourselves with the prestige, ethics and dignity of a lawyer.  No matter how we apply these lessons, we know that Dad will be there to support and encourage us as he is continually investing in the things he loves the most...his children and the law.

I love you Dad and will pay it forward always.

Love, Josh

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